Sunday, 26 April 2015



Punctuation, composition- types (free and guided), correction rules


Writing skill
              Writing is a medium of communication that represents language through the inscription of signs and symbols. In most languages, writing is a complement to speech or spoken language. Writing is not a language but a form of technology. Within a language system, writing relies on many of the same structures as speech, such as vocabulary, grammar and semantics, with the added dependency of a system of signs or symbols, usually in the form of a formal alphabet. The result of writing is called text, and the recipient of the text is called a reader.
                          Writing is often regarded as the visual representation of speech. In the listening-speaking process response is immediate, but in the case of writing-reading process the response is remote. Writing is for communication of ideas in written form. It is a productive skill symbolizing spoken form and it involves manipulating, structuring and communicating. In the hierarchy of language skills it should be given a balanced emphasis along with other skills.

                     Punctuation marks are essential in writing. They show the reader where the sentences start and finish and if they are used properly they make our writing easy to understand.
Types of Punctuations:-

1.   Fullstop :-
Full stops are used:-
Ø To mark the end of a sentence that is a complete statement. Eg: All their meals arrived at the same time.
Ø To mark the end of a group of words that don’t form a conventional sentence, so as to emphasize a statement. Eg: It’s never acceptable to arrive late. Not under any circumstances.
Ø In some abbreviations like etc. , Jan. , or a.m . Eg: Please return the form by Monday 8 Dec. at the latest.
Ø In website and email addresses. Eg:

2.   Comma:-
      A comma makes a slight break between different parts of a sentence. There are four common occasions on which commas are necessary. They are:-
Ø Using commas in lists (Eg: The flag was red, white, and blue)
Ø Using commas in Indirect speech (Eg: ‘That’s not fair’, she said)
Ø Using commas to separate clauses ( Eg: As we had already derived, we were reluctant to wait)
Ø Using commas to mark off parts of a sentence. (Eg: Her best friend, Eliza, sang for a living)
           The semicolon is most commonly used to mark a break that is stronger than a comma but not as final as a full stop. It’s used between two main clauses that balance each other and are too closely linked to be made into separate sentences. Eg:- The film was a critical success; its lead actors were particularly praised.
There are three main uses of the colon:-
Ø Between two main clauses in cases where the second clause explains or follows from the first. Eg: We have a motto: live life to the full
Ø To introduce a list. Eg: The cost of the room included the following: breakfast, dinner and Wi-Fi
Ø Before a quotation, and sometimes before direct speech. Eg: The headline read: ‘ Local woman save geese’.

5.   Apostrophe :-
There are two main cases where apostrophes are used:
Ø Using apostrophes to show possession. Eg: Malcolm’s  cat was extremely friendly.

Ø Using apostrophes used to omission. Eg: I’m afraid the pie isn’t suitable for vegetarians.

6.   Hyphen
Hyphens are used to link words and pars of words. There are three main cases where hyphens are used:
Ø In compound words. Eg: My mother-in-law is visiting soon
Ø To join prefixes to other words. Eg: The novel is clearly intended to be a post-Marxist work.
Ø To show word breaks. Eg: He collects eighteenth-and nineteenth-century vases.

7.   Dash :-
There are two main occasions on which a dash can be used, usually in informal writing.
Ø To mark off information that is not essential to an understanding of the rest of the sentence. Eg: Many birds  -   do you like birds?  -  can be seen outside the window.
Ø To show other kinds of break in a sentence where a comma, semicolon or colon would be traditionally used. Eg: Tommy can’t wait for Christmas – he’s very excited.
8.   Brackets:-
There are two main types of brackets. Round brackets are mainly used to separate off information that isn’t essential to the meaning of the rest of the sentence. Eg: He asked Sarah ( his great-aunt) for a loan.
                     Square brackets are mainly used to enclose words added by someone other than the original writer or speaker, typically in order to clarify the situation. Eg: The witness said: ‘ Gray [Thompson] was not usually late for work.

9.   Inverted commas:-
Inverted commas are mainly uses in the following cases:-
ü To mark the beginning and end of direct speech. Eg: ‘There wasn’t, he said, ‘any need for you to say that’.
ü To mark off a word or phrase that’s being discussed, or that’s being directly quoted from somewhere else’. Eg: They called it the ‘land of milk and honey’.
ü To draw attention to an unusual, ironic or arguably inaccurate use. Eg: The ‘food’ she put on our plates was inedible.

10.Exclamation mark:-
The main uses of exclamation mark are to end sentences that express:
ü An exclamation. Eg: Ow! That hurts!
ü Direct speech that represents something shouted or spoken very loudly. Eg: ‘Run as fast as you can!’ he shouted.
ü Something that amuses the writer. Eg: They thought I was dressed as a smuggler.
ü An exclamation mark can also be used in brackets after a statement to show that the writer finds it funny or ironic. Eg: He thought it would amusing (!) to throw a plastic mouse at me.

11.Question marks:-
v A question mark is used to indicate the end of a question. Eg: What time are you going to the fair?
v A question mark can also be used in brackets that the writer is unconvinced by a statement. Eg: The bus timetable purports to be accurate (?)

12.Bullet points:-
Bullet points are used to draw attention to important information within a document so thatva reader can identify the key issues and facts quickly.

Composition according to Chapman is in fact, almost any written exercise. In this sense, from supplying a missing word to writing an essay, all come under composition. Composition exercises require skills in the mechanics of writing and recalling appropriate words and structures. Spelling and punctuations should be rightly used. Organization of ideas and their cohesion are very important in order to convey the message of the writer to the reader without ambiguities.
                           Generally, by a composition exercise we mean, writing a paragraph, essay, story etc. descriptive or narrative in nature. The way of organizing and presenting ideas will vary according to the form, purpose and nature of a composition.

                         With regard to writing a paragraph which is most common in various types of writing of informative nature, the first sentence called the topic sentence, should enable the reader to get an overall idea of the paragraph. The purpose of writer here is to give the reader the gist of the paragraph at the outset itself. The following sentences should be supportive to and revolving round the topic sentence. The topic sentence which acts as the centre of gravity of an object can be in the middle of the paragraph also. There should be a conclusive sentence at the end pointing to the next paragraph. The sentences of the paragraph should be logically connected with appropriate connectors and transitional phrases like consequently, finally etc.

                                               A god composition, say an essay or story should have a suitable title, a good beginning, a middle and an end forming a readable integral entity with a nice form. A good composition will be satisfying the different aspects of writing. Pupil’s composition is usually divided into two types:- Guided or Controlled Composition and Free Composition.

Guided Composition
                           In Guided Composition pupils are supplied with  all the necessary structures and vocabulary together with the thoughts and ideas to be expressed. As the name suggests, in this type of composition the teacher guides the pupils as to what write and how to write it.
    As the pupils’ develop mastery in the use of language this guidance is progressively  reduced and finally they are required to write entirely on their own. At this stage, they are free to choose their structures and vocabulary and express their own thoughts and ideas on a given topic. Hence, this type of composition is called free composition.
                                  Though free composition or the ability to communicate one’s thoughts and ideas freely is the ultimate goal, this cannot be fully achieved at the school stage. At this stage, most of the composition should be of the guided type, the principle being that one should first learn to walk before one attempts to run. There would be different degrees of control or guidance in guided composition. While in the early stages a rigid control is maintained this is progressively relaxed at the later stages. Controlled and Free composition should therefore be viewed as the two extreme ends on a scale marked by varying degrees of control, rather than two separate types of composition.

How to teach Guided Composition?????
Having decided on the topic, the teacher should first write out the passage himself in order to find out the structures and vocabulary required. He should then scrutinise his own writing thoroughly to eliminate unfamiliar structures and vocabulary as far as practicable. This is an unavoidable preliminary step in guided composition, but few teachers care to take the trouble. As a result, the teaching of composition in our schools still remains in a very deplorable state.
                             When the teacher enters the class with the preparation, he knows exactly what to teach and how to teach it. His first step now is to motivate the class to write the passage. This he can do by rousing the pupils’ interest in various ways depending upon the topic chosen. He may also initiate a brief discussion to introduce the essential new words and structures, required for the particular topic.
                                               The initial discussion should naturally lead to the second step: speaking by the pupils of the actual sentences to be used in the composition. The teacher should came prepared with a set of well formulated questions to elicit the sentences from the pupils, and they should be made to repeat each sentence a number of times. The teacher should also write on the blackboard any words that are likely to be misspelt by the pupils.
                    This is the most important step and maximum time should be devoted to it. This preparation also highlights the importance of guiding the pupils’ thoughts on the topic. If they are allowed to think for themselves, they make think up something which they cannot express in English; and the entire process in then likely to become an advanced exercise in translation. If properly done, this oral preparation will greatly reduce pupils’ mistakes in the written work.

Free composition
In Free Composition the students are not externally controlled very much  regarding vocabulary, structure, etc. They are free to write creatively according to their interests, imagination, originality and style, guidance of the teacher being reduced.  Free composition is meant for students who have learnt English for three or four years.
     There is little scope for completely free composition in English at the school stage. Such composition presupposes a mastery of the structures and vocabulary required for writing  the composition and is primarily concerned with the logical arrangement of one’s thoughts and ideas on the subject. As such, the mother tongue seems to be the best medium for practicing this skill. Most of the writing of college students show that, apart from numerous grammatical mistakes, they even put their ideas coherently. This is not due to their inadequate command of the English language but to their general inability to express themselves in writing.
                                     However, in the upper classes in school, when the pupils have acquired a certain degree of mastery in the use of English, the control on the language can be relaxed to some extent  to allow them to write somewhat freely. But even here some guidance will be required in the selection and organization of the facts and ideas. Since the pupils’ language equipment is not fully developed yet, it is necessary that they should select only those things which they can express in English, and for this purpose the teacher’s guidance is essential. It is also advisable to limit the composition to a few paragraphs only.

How to teach Free Composition?????
As in the case of Guided composition, selection of the topic is the first step in free composition. Having selected a suitable topic, the teacher should begin the lesson by initiating a discussion on it. During the discussion he should supply the required facts or direct the pupils to collect them from some specified sources. Any new words that are essential for the topic chosen should also be given.
                     The question-answer technique used in guided composition can also be followed here to guide the pupils’ thoughts and practice some of the sentences. As the discussion proceeds, the teacher should note the points on the blackboard in proper sequence or develop a blackboard summary. At the end of the discussion, the pupils should be directed to note down the points or the summary and develop them into paragraphs.
                     Since the paragraph is the basic unit in any connected piece of writing, the pupils’ attention should be drawn to the structure of the paragraph. One of the most beautiful exercises for developing the skill of paragraph writing is the study and imitation of model paragraphs. The teacher should select some well-knit paragraphs written in simple English by good writers and help the pupils to study them closely to locate the topic  paragraph. For example, they may try to find out why a particular sentence connector or sequence signal has been used by the writer, or why he has put the sentences in that order. They may also experiment with different sentence connectors, sequence  signals and sentence arrangement and note the difference in meaning or effect. Ultimately, the pupils should try to write a Parallel Paragraph on a different topic, closely imitating the one under study.

Correction rules
 In students’ composition exercise books a lot of strokes and marks in red can be noticed. The teacher is dispirited over the students committing too many mistakes and mostly blames the students for that. By modifying the teacher’s attitude towards preparing the students for writing composition a large number of mistakes can be eliminated. The problem of over correction has to be solved  as it de-motivates the student and frustrates the teacher.

Correction rules
As far as possible, correction work should be done in the presence of each individual student. If it is too laborious and time consuming, common mistakes of the students can be discussed orally and using the blackboard. Class correction and self correction need be encouraged.
                  The teacher should remember that it is the pupils and not the teacher who should learn to spot mistakes. Deliberately pupils do not make mistakes. In training, the pupils to get rid of their mistakes, the teacher should have special care. The teacher should never do anything for the pupil that the pupil can do for himself this should be the teacher’s vision. It is not the teacher, but the pupils who should be keen in proof-reading and detecting errors. The pupil finding ten mistakes by himself in writing will be better than the teacher finding a hundred in it. The teacher should keep watching the progress of the pupils in reducing their errors in writing.

Correction signals
In dictionaries, directories and the like we can see a list of symbols/signs/signals used in the foregoing pages. In professional journalism, for proof-reading process about sixty such signals are used.
          In our profession, we can choose a minimum number of such signals for our correction procedure in the class. The signals should be marked in the margin of the page. The teacher should make the students familiar with the signals he is going to use in advance.
Some such signals are:-
A word or punctuation mark is omitted on the line
A word ought to be omitted on this line
There is a mistake in punctuation/ capitalization
Spelling needs correction
There is an error in tense form
There is grammatical error
There is a wrong word

Writing is not as natural as listening or speaking. It is not considered as a biological need. It has to be purposefully inculcated. Roughly three thousand out of six thousand languages and dialects have no written forms. Therefore there is less scope for a detailed analysis of writing than it has for listening or speaking. And regarding reading it comes only after writing. If there is no writing there is no reading.
    But the teachers of English must give due emphasis to teaching writing skills along with the other three major skills of language learning. This is in view of the fact that English  language has the status of our second language besides bring the International  language of  widest  currency in the modern world.
       Writing is for communication of ideas in written form. It is the visual representation of speech. It is a productive skill symbolizing spoken form and it involves manipulating, structuring and communicating. In the hierarchy of language skills it should be given a balanced emphasis along with the other skills.

·       Baruah,T.C (1984). The English Teacher’s Handbook. Sterling Publishers Pvt Ltd, New Delhi
·       Communication Skills in English ( 1982), Oxford University Press(edited), Walton Street
·       Dr. Sivarajan, K, T.V.Ramakrishnan, K.Mridula (2007). English Language Education, Calicut University





            All teaching whether good or bad, must include some sort of selection, grading and presentation. Selection – because it is impossible to teach any field of knowledge in all its totality. Hence we are forced to select that part of it which we wish to teach. Grading – because it is impossible to teach all of what we have Selected,  at once, we are forced to put something before or after something else. Presentation – because it is impossible to teach without communicating or trying to communicate something to somebody. All methods, therefore, must consciously or unconsciously, select grade, and present the learning material.
                               Where approach and method overlap, we tend to use them synonymously.
                  Methods are route maps in possession with which one can reach one’s destination without groping in the dark.
                  An approach is a set of co- relative assumptions dealing with the nature of language teaching and learning.
                             Direct Method is an important method of teaching English. It is a method of presenting the target language materials without employing another language as the media.


The direct method
 The origin:-
                                    Language teachers of the 19th century felt, for several reasons that the Old Grammar – Translation Method was inadequate to develop communicative ability in the learners. Hence, as a result of a revolt against Grammar –Translation Method, the Direct Method was evolved in 1901 in France. Its principles were adopted from Germany.
              The reformists thought that Second language ( L2 ) could be taught without the help of First language ( L1 ) through strategies in the line of L1 acquisition. The chief advocates of this line were Pendergast (1806-1866 ) and Sauveur (1826-1907). They proposed a method called the Natural Method also known in other different names as Psychological Method, Reform Method, Phonological Method, Phoneme Method, Berlit’s Method and Antigrammatical Method. Later it became popular as Direct Method.
                France, Germany and  USA adopted this Method, as it helped to accelerate trade, commerce, industry, and travel. It was introduced to India in the 20th century.

The Basic Philosophy
           The basic philosophy of the Direct Method is ‘fluency in reading and facility in writing will follow fluency in speech’, and its central idea is – association of words and sentences with their meanings through demonstration. As Kirkman holds – avoid the intervention of the vernacular, establish a direct immediate association between experience and expression grasp the meaning and develop instinctive infallible language skill as in the mother tongue. The Direct Method was evolved on close observation of how children learn their mother tongue.
                           Webster’s New International Dictionary gives the gist of the Direct Method: “Direct Method is a method of teaching a foreign language especially a modern language through conversation, discussion and reading in the language itself without the use of the pupil’s language,without translation and without the study of formal grammar”. The first words are taught by pointing to objects or pictures or by performing actions.
                             Champion.H says, “To teach directly is to establish a direct or immediate association between experience and expression, between the English word, phrase and idiom and meaning”.
                According to Kirkman, “the foreign word or group of words should be associated with its meaning direct, without the intervention of the native speech”.
According to Louis de Glen, the Direct Method is marked by three principles:-
1.   Direct association of experience and expression
2.   Inhibition of the mother tongue
3.   Taking sentence ( utterance ) as the unit of expression
           According to H.E.Palmer (English through Actions ) the Direct Method is characterised by:-
a.    Banishing translation in any form including the use of mother tongue and the bilingual dictionary in the classroom
b.   Teaching grammar. If required, inductively
c.    Oral teaching preceding any form of reading or writing
d.   Systematic teaching of phonetics
e.    Replacing disconnected speech with connected text
f.     Teaching meanings of words and phrases by means of objects or by natural contexts
g.   Inculcating vocabulary and structure of the language to a large extent by questions and answers.
      Theoretical grammar has no place in this method, as grammar is considered to be only a means of learning language, whereas the Direct Method advocates functional grammar. A limited vocabulary and structure of day-to-day use have to be taught according to the needs of the learners. Vocabulary items should be carefully chosen, graded and presented to suit the range of the learners’ experience.  Phonetic categories like stress, pronunciation, pause, intonation etc. must have priority over spelling and mechanics of writing. Maximum time should be allowed for practice and a favourable atmosphere should be created. Meanings of concrete words can be taught by showing objects, by pictures, by actions, by definition, by context, by demonstration, by use of synonyms or antonyms and quite seldom by translation if it saves a lot of time and effort. It should be remembered as Menmann says that the aural-oral principle is more appealing than the visual in fixing the foreign phraseology. Prof. Gurrey is of opinion that the Direct Method is not a method at all; it is a principle of direct association between word and thing,
idea and sentence.

Aims of Direct method:-
       The Direct Method aims at establishing a direct bond between thought and expression, experience and language. The idea is that the learner should experience the new language in the same way in which he experienced his mother tongue. In the GT Method, the foreign concept or idea is first translated into the mother tongue and then understood. But in the Direct Method the intervention of mother tongue is done away with. The learner understands when he hears or reads in the foreign language without thinking of the mother tongue equivalents. Likewise, he speaks or writes the foreign language without the need of translating his idea or thought from the mother tongue in to the foreign language. He begins to think in the new language as efficiently and fluently as he does in the case of mother tongue. He acquires what Champion calls that “ instinctive, unerring language sense which we all possess in varying degree in the mother tongue, and which superseding all rules, grammars and dictionaries, resting at bottom on the direct association between experience and expression, is the only sure guide in the use of language”.

Principles of Direct Method
Oral teaching
The Direct Method emphasises the value of oral training in learning a foreign language. The pupil is provided sufficient practice in listening to the language and then speaking it. It also lays emphasis on a knowledge of phonetics to acquire an intelligible pronunciation. Oral training helps in the direct association of the words of the foreign language with the objects and ideas for which they stand.
Inhibition of the Mother tongue
Another way of securing a direct bond between experience and expression is to inhibit the mother tongue. That is to say so far as possible the mother tongue is not used in an English lesson. The pupils are taught new words by actually showing them the objects for which they stand or performing actions or by suitable illustrations in context. This enables them to think in English. They learn to respond directly in the foreign language. At the initial stage it may not be easy for the pupil to avoid the tendency to think in his mother tongue, but as his knowledge of the foreign langusge develops, this habit dies away.
The Sentence is the unit of speech
Since sentence is the unit of speech, the teaching through the Direct Method is started with the teaching of sentences, and not individual words.
Inductive teaching of grammar
In the Direct Method grammar is not taught for its own sake. It is not an end in itself, but a means to an end. Its aim is to enable the pupil to correct errors. Grammar is taught inductively. First, the pupil learns the language and then the various grammatical forms. It may be mentioned that in the Direct Method the lessons are prepared according to some grammatical plan.
Teaching new vocabulary
New vocabulary is taught after careful selection and gradation. Controlled vocabulary is taught in definite stages. New words are taught by material association, explanation or use in suitable context.

Some stages of the Direct Method
1.   The teacher shows a picture or object relating to the lesson in the text book and asks the class to read the passage.
2.   The teacher identifies the words or phrases in the passage which the students find difficult to understand and removes the difficulties using various strategies like explanation.
3.   Then the teacher checks to what extend the students have comprehended the passage asking simple questions.
4.   Some oral exercises are given to the class and the students do them.
5.   Practice and drill in pronunciation, answering questions are given.
Advantages of Direct Method
1.   It emphasises oral and speech practice, right pronunciation, stress etc.
2.   It makes direct association between thought and expression.
3.   It makes learning easy and pleasant.
4.   It can help cover more content in less time.
5.   It is more suitable to teach idioms.
6.   It is psychologically sound as the procedure is from concrete to abstract and from particular to general.
Disadvantages of Direct Method
1.   It gives over emphasis to oral work.
2.   It is less effective for average or below average students.
3.   It is expensive or hard in respect of teaching aids.
4.   It does not  give the required emphasis for gradation of materials.
5.   There will be lack of competent teachers to teach in this method.
6.   Course books or source books may not be available as required.

Arguments in favour of the Direct Method

1.   It is the natural method related to situations.
2.   A direct bond is established between thought and expression and thinking in English is encouraged.
3.   Sentence is the unit of expression, giving a coherent idea.
4.   Proficiency in listening and speaking is developed.
5.   Meanings can be taught through several strategies.
6.   The class becomes alive.
Arguments against the Direct Method
1.   It overlooks time and space.
2.   Only a limited number of words and sentences can be taught in a class. It will be difficult to teach the meanings of abstract ideas.
3.   Sufficient attention cannot be paid to reading and writing.
4.   It will ineffective if the teacher/learner is not linguistically minded.
5.   Mastery of formal grammar is neglected.
6.   It requires a lot of effort to teach meaning which can easily be done in the vernacular.

Ø Comparison between Direct Method and Grammar- Translation Method
Direct method:-
Ø Avoids close association between the foreign language and the mother tongue.
Ø Lays emphasis on speech.
Ø Follows the child’s natural way of learning.
Ø Teaches the language by use and not by rule. Does not favour the teaching of formal grammar at the early stage.
Grammar-Translation Method:-
Ø Maintains close association between the foreign language and the mother tongue.
Ø Lays no emphasis on speech.
Ø Follows the adult’s logical way of learning a language.
Ø Teaches the language by rule rather than use. Teaches formal grammar from the very beginning.

        A native like fluency in non-native English teachers cannot be expected and the assumption that an L2 should be acquired in the manner the L1 is acquired will be unrealistic. If selecting, grading and structuring are not carefully undertaken the students will not be able to cope up with the method. In USA, the Direct Method lost its significance in the 1920s and they were inclined to use other methods also. In UK, Henry-Sweet and his associate linguists adopted British approach known as Oral approach or Situational approach. In India, the Direct Method became popular in the 1920s and 1930s. The CIEFL, Hyderabad and the NCERT, New Delhi prepared text books on the Direct Method lines. The books were of two types : general series for class vi onwards and special series for Nursery classes onwards. For any language learning, exposure to the language is one of the most favourable factors. In India, inspite of its effectiveness, exposure to English ends in the class itself in general. In order to make up for this situation of lack of exposure, extensive use of facilities of Language Laboratory, TV, Radio, Films etc. will be helpful to a certain extent.


Ø Dr. Sivarajan, k, T.V.Ramakrishnan, K.Mridula (2007).English Language Education. Calicut University,Calicut
Ø A.L.Kohli(1970).Techniques of Teaching English.Dhanpat Rai and Sons, Delhi

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